From Year 7 to 10 our Secondary learning program is based on the belief that all students have the potential to learn and succeed.
YEAR 7 - YEAR 10
Students at Emmanuel Secondary School can approach their learning with confidence in a supportive Christian environment. They receive quality pastoral care and access to pathway programs that deliver academic, creative and practical learning outcomes. This is especially true for the Year 7 students who are welcomed into our community from Northern Christian School and other local primary schools.
Classes from Year 7 to Year 10 follow the Australian Curriculum framework. While the Australian Curriculum sets the expectations for what Emmanuel students are taught, our teachers choose contexts for learning, and plan learning in ways that best fit Christian beliefs and worldview as well as our vision for Christian Education. Through the Australian Curriculum framework, we desire to develop independent thinkers who use creativity, invention and logic to clarify and articulate their own views and the views of others.
By Year 10, students are provided with access to some Tasmanian Assessment Standards and Certification (TASC) subjects as part of the pathways program at Emmanuel.
Core Subjects
Health & Physical Education
Pathways Subjects
Visual Art
Digital Technologies
Music Studies
Food, Cooking and Nutrition
Languages other than English (Chinese)
Sociology and Psychology
Outdoor Education
Design Technology
Overseas Opportunities
Every two years, Emmanuel Christian School offers a mission trip to Cambodia for Year 9 and 10 students. Emmanuel has been involved in these ten day trips for many years and has assisted poverty-stricken areas in other countries such as Vanuatu.
The primary purpose of the trip is to provide assistance to ongoing projects that the non profit organisation, Raise Cambodia help organise. Students, build desks, paint walls but also experience a cultural experience and interact with the locals.
YEAR 11 & 12
at Calvin ChrIstian School
Our sister school offers ease of transition and a continuity of experience, where subjects are taught from a Christian worldview. We provide a free bus service from the Eastern Shore to Calvin.
Calvin students in Year 11 and 12 have an excellent record of high achievement. Students are encouraged to take a more independent approach to organisation and learning. Students are given the opportunity to prepare for University as well as participate in Vocational and Workplace Training. Completion of Tasmanian Assessment Standards and Certification (TASC) accredited courses allow students to attain their Tasmanian Certificate of Education (TCE) and Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) to allow them entry to Universities around Australia. Students may also undertake Vocational Education and Training (VET) courses offered by Calvin or other external providers.
Subject Areas Taught
English and Languages
Humanities and Social Science
Outdoor Education
Health and Physical Education
Creative and Performing Arts
Design , Digital & Food Technologies